GREYWALKER by Kat Richardson

Harper Blaie was your average small-time PI until a two-bit perp's savage assault left her dead-for two minutes, to be precise.

When Harper comes to in the hospital, she begins to feel a bit...strange. She sees things that can only be described as weird- shapes emerging from a foggy grey mist, snarling teeth, creatures roaring.

But Harper's not crazy. Her "death" has made her a Greywalker- able to move between our world and the mysterious crossover zone where things that go bump in the night exist. And her new gift (or curse) is about to drag her into that world of vampires and ghosts, magic and witches, necromancers and sinister artifacts...

Whether she likes it or not.

Hello again!! Coming back at ya with another one day read that I finished just last night!! Or more so this morning....I finished it this morning at like 12:30 am. WOO! Score for me!!

Anyways, to start off with the good about this book, I personally really love the world. It's not necessarily cut and dry paranormal things exist in our world but in fact it's that they partially exist in our world. That paranormal world is called the "Grey", because it's that foggy mist that overlaps the world, and filters your senses so you see two panes on one screen. These paranormal beings, ghosts and crazy man eating beasts, all formally exist in that Grey pane....although they can project themselves onto the human, normal pane. Is this making sense???

Well for Harper, she can legitimately move into the Grey, physically with her whole body intact, because she died and has remnants of the Grey within her. Unlike her witchy friends who can manipulate the Grey and potentially project their conscious into the Grey, they cannot PHYSICALLY move into the Grey and do crazy things like Harper now can.

Alright alright now moving on away from that ALTHOUGH THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT COOL, I just really think it's interesting how that works out. It's really what sets this vampirey ghost story apart from others on the shelves.

I also really like Harper.It took me a while to really get a sense of her until later into the book, but from what I can tell is that she is no-shit-straight-to-the-point bold, brash, and simple. At times she comes across as naive or more so maybe just really stupid stubborn considering her situation, but she gives some great comic relief because she doesn't let the scary things push her around like a rag doll.

I also really love how Kat Richardson as an author is bringing in necromancy! HELLS YES. The last legit necromancer character i ever read was Anita Blake....and that's saying something. I'm sure there are other books out there, but nothing tha'ts been able to catch my eye or really gain any ground speed because I haven't heard anything! But either way, necromancy in itself is a bit hard to grasp and understand and really build around, and the necromancer in this book is pretty dope. I like him. And I am just glad that she even thought to bring a necromancer into the story because this changes things....this allows so many more crazy things to happen...I'm excited!!

Buuuutt onto the bad things. The things I didn't like...the things that I just wish were better because regardless i will continue on with this series BUT I just wish for these few things to be a bit more awesome.....

First would be Harper's narrative. It's written in first person....which bugs me the most...because you get that omnious third aprty observer movie moment scene feel going on as if it was written in third. Rarely does the narrative really dive into the observance of her thoughts and emotions. You'll get some one sentence liners here or there but nothing really deep, so I'm not emotionally invested in makes her relatively blad besides what I can make from her dialogue and interactions with others. It's legit a intel on her thought process or what she really is feeling or thinking...just main points. So yeah, although I like her enough, I just don't feel attached to her quite yet...

Another would be the narrative itself. The way the author switches from moment to moment threw me off at points because in the same chapter and not even any details in between it would just change setting and time to some other place and other instance with no real transition. An example would be something like this:

...I collapsed into the bed and slept.

When I walked to the car and pulled out my keys...

Like there's no transition to state that it's morning or bring you in to follow her, it's just a jump cut into the next scene and the next moment which threw me off and made me a bit uncomfortable because it would break my stride and I would be confused and have to figure out the little hints myself to understand what was now happening.

Another little tiny thing would be Harper's stubbornness to accept the truth. Like...she took so long to just freaking accept that she can walk into the Grey and she can see these things...but the moment a vampire lands in her hands she's just like.."oh, ok, you're a vampire! No big deal!" Like'd think she would fight that or just not accept it for a while...same with the necromancer when she found out what he was...idk. Just clashed with her mentality since she was so hellbent for most of the book to NOT accept her Greywalker abilities and that it's what is really happening around her.

But that;s about it. I still enjoyed it enough and am still interested enough to continue on with the series because I can only imagine how crazy it will get later into the series.

I give this book a 3.5/5. It's not amazing, and it's not horrible, it could use some work, but I still liked it enough to want to continue.

Anyways thanks for reading and checking this review out! Hope you liked it and you follow and subscribe or whatever and comment and do all those things!!


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